Thursday 15 December 2011

What if you've been a fool with log shipping?

And managed to set your primary database as your secondary database, because, when you scripted out the T-SQL to create log shipping, you forgot to change server half way through... (yes, I did it twice today in a bit of a DR scenario).

First, disable the Log Shipping Copy and Log Shipping Restore Jobs on the Primary Server. You won't be able to do this by right clicking on the SQL Agent job and chosing 'disable'. You will if you go into the properties for the job. You won't, at this point, be able to delete the job.

Then, check the msdb secondary log shipping tables.

FROM msdb..log_shipping_secondary_databases

FROM msdb..log_shipping_monitor_secondary

FROM msdb..log_shipping_secondary

Verify that the database(s) is indeed in the list here.

Run the following SQL to delete the erroneous secondary databases

FROM msdb..log_shipping_secondary_databases
WHERE secondary_database = 'DBName'

FROM msdb..log_shipping_monitor_secondary
WHERE secondary_database = 'DBName'

FROM msdb..log_shipping_secondary
WHERE primary_database = 'DBName'

After you have run this script for each database, the LSAlert job will stop erroring.

You will also, now, be able to delete the erroneous LSCopy and LSRestore jobs from SQL Agent.

As always, use at your own risk.