Monday 19 July 2010

"I can't take this database offline!"

An anguished cry, which I have heard twice today. The problem is, if you try to take a database offline, it will not actually complete until the current transaction has ended (or been forcibly killed), as there is a lock on the database. Killing a transaction is a bit untidy. As we find here "The ALTER DATABASE statement waits indefinitely if there is any lock on the database." One generally ends up with 'Database is in transition...Error 952' when trying to ascertain what the databases is up to, and very little seems to have an effect, including restarting SQL in some cases: and that assumes that restarting SQL is even an option.

Fortunately, if one uses a bit of T-SQL, one can persuade the last transaction to rollback neatly, unlocking everything, and reducing hassle. It's a lot nicer than going KILL SPID.

USE master


ALTER DATABASE databasename



And there we have it. Neatly and tidily takes the database offline, it doesn't hang around in a transactional