Monday 19 July 2010

State 38

Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 38.

Login failed for user 'Domain\Username'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database. [CLIENT:]

And the Application Event log detail generally shows something like:

In Bytes

0000: 17 48 00 00 0E 00 00 00 .H......
0008: 1G 00 00 00 55 00 B9 00 ....S.E.
0010: 4F 00 43 00 54 00 4F 00 R.V.E.R.
0018: 66 00 51 00 4C 00 54 00 N.A.M.E.
0020: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
0028: 07 00 00 00 6D 00 61 00 ....m.a.
0030: 73 00 12 00 65 00 72 00 s.t.e.r.
0038: 00 00 ..

Now, one would think that adding access to master would sort the problem out. Except it doesn't. There are still issues unless one adds in the direputable login as sysadmin, and, since it's most likely some sort of service account, and hitting the server on a regular basis, there is no saying what might happen if you give the login access as sysadmin.

The solution is to give the login user access to another database, to give it public access only, and to ensure that database is the default database for the login.

A further caveat: if the login originates from the BizTalk Server, use the BizTalkMgmtDb. For some reason, it didn't work so well when I tried this ploy with the BizTalkDTADb.

"I can't take this database offline!"

An anguished cry, which I have heard twice today. The problem is, if you try to take a database offline, it will not actually complete until the current transaction has ended (or been forcibly killed), as there is a lock on the database. Killing a transaction is a bit untidy. As we find here "The ALTER DATABASE statement waits indefinitely if there is any lock on the database." One generally ends up with 'Database is in transition...Error 952' when trying to ascertain what the databases is up to, and very little seems to have an effect, including restarting SQL in some cases: and that assumes that restarting SQL is even an option.

Fortunately, if one uses a bit of T-SQL, one can persuade the last transaction to rollback neatly, unlocking everything, and reducing hassle. It's a lot nicer than going KILL SPID.

USE master


ALTER DATABASE databasename



And there we have it. Neatly and tidily takes the database offline, it doesn't hang around in a transactional

Tuesday 6 July 2010

SQL Configuration Manager Suddenly Unavailable

Last night, I installed SP1 onto a SQL 2008 Cluster. This morning, looking at another issue, I decided to mosey into the Configuration Manager, in order to double check which Ports SQL was operating on.

Imagine my horror when I got the following error, regardless of the account I used to try and open the tool:

"Cannot connect to WMI provider. You do not have permission or the server is unreachable. Note that you can only manage SQL Server 2005 servers or above with SQL Server Configuration Manager. Invalid class [0x80041010]"

Googling around suggested several solutions involving changing folder permissions, and also running something called mofcomp. This in particular seemed relevant to my situation, where an installation had recently been run on the server. It would seem that, occasionally, the .mof files get corrupted during an installation. They're Managed Object Format files, and used for storing system configuration information.

They can be found in the Shared folder for the 32 bit components of your SQL Server, for SQL 2005 and above. Thus, on a 64 bit cluster, they were here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared

And running this command in cmd fixed the problem. Phew.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared>mofcomp "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\10\Shared\sqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof"