Wednesday 5 December 2012

Exporting employeeStartDates and employeeEndDates to SQL in FIM

Twice in the past six months, I've gone looking for this answer. The second time round, I came across my own post to Technet, which was a little embarrassing in a sitting-alone-at-my-desk manner.

Anyhow. Before I go looking a third time, this is how to get an employeeEndDate and an employeeStartDate out of the FIM Metaverse and into SQL date or date-time fields.

In VB.Net. Other languages exist. This is just the code for the Advanced Flows that you'd set up from FIM Synchronization Service: it relies on there being nothing more than the relevant dates. You may wish to build in more checks.

Select Case FlowRuleName
            Case "exportNonEmployeeEndDate"
                If (mventry.ObjectType.Equals("person")) AndAlso mventry("employeeEndDate").IsPresent Then
                    Dim NonEmpEndDateTime As DateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(mventry("employeeEndDate").StringValue)
                    Dim NonEmpEndDate As String = NonEmpEndDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
                    csentry("enddate").Value = NonEmpEndDate

                End If

            Case "exportNonEmployeeStartDate"
                If (mventry.ObjectType.Equals("person")) AndAlso mventry("employeeStartDate").IsPresent Then
                   Dim NonEmpEndDateTime As DateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(mventry("employeeStartDate").StringValue)
                    Dim NonEmpEndDate As String = NonEmpEndDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
                    csentry("startdate").Value = NonEmpEndDate

                End If

        End Select

As with all code on the internet, check it in the Development System before you throw it into the Live environment. And take backups before you get going. Just in case.

Also, has it really been a year? Sheesh. Sorry about that. 

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